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    4 3-inch aluminum alloy boxes

    Integrated cast aluminum box, convenient installation, adjustable coverage range; Seven unit design, two frequency division, with neodymium magnetic wire horn for high pitched sound, capable of carrying large dynamic sound reinforcement, with delicate and transparent high pitched sound; The bass is designed with a combination of 4-unit 3-inch full frequency speakers, wool fiber paper basin, strong magnetic power, soft and clean sound, and deep low-frequency potential

    Product Characteristics

    Integrated cast aluminum box, convenient installation, adjustable coverage range; Seven unit design, two frequency division, with neodymium magnetic wire horn for high pitched sound, capable of carrying large dynamic sound reinforcement, with delicate and transparent high pitched sound; The bass is designed with a combination of 4-unit 3-inch full frequency speakers, wool fiber paper basin, strong magnetic power, soft and clean sound, and deep low-frequency potential


    Output power: 200W Impedance: 8 Ω Sensitivity: 86dB Response frequency: 120Hz-20KHz Speaker size (width * height * depth): 85 * 585 * 105MM Net weight: 3.3KG

    Page Content Update Time:2023-09-20 09:33:24

    The relevant information on the website is for reference only. All products are subject to physical inspection and are subject to change without prior notice.

    +86.137 1088 0209
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