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    Single 3-inch aluminum alloy box for conference use

    The metal aluminum alloy box has an integrated appearance, and the surface adopts high-end sandblasting technology. The appearance is delicate and exquisite, with a built-in 3-inch wool fiber basin unit and strong magnetic treatment. It has high sound pressure, fidelity, and durability! Suitable for living room, study, small environment, etc., the best choice for watching movies, can be hung on the wall

    Product Characteristics

    The metal aluminum alloy box has an integrated appearance, and the surface adopts high-end sandblasting technology. The appearance is delicate and exquisite, with a built-in 3-inch wool fiber basin unit and strong magnetic treatment. It has high sound pressure, fidelity, and durability! Suitable for living room, study, small environment, etc., the best choice for watching movies, can be hung on the wall


    Rated power: 40W Rated impedance: 8 ohms Sensitivity: 80dB Frequency response: 135Hz-18KHz Size (W * H * D) 85 * 100 * 105MM Net weight: 0.9Kg

    Page Content Update Time:2023-08-02 06:36:28

    The relevant information on the website is for reference only. All products are subject to physical inspection and are subject to change without prior notice.

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