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    Our Products

    Our Products

    ACS Brand Strives To Create More Perfect Audio Products

    Creating Audio Products With Dedication

    Company Profile
    Guangzhou Gedi Audio Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise that integrates research and development, production, and sales. It has Guangzhou Gedi Audio Equipment Factory and Hong Kong Gedi Electroacoustic Co., Ltd. Mainly engaged in high-quality "ACS" and "GODDE" professional audio brands. The products include linear array speakers suitable for various outdoor/indoor performances, long-range speakers, full frequency and ultra-low speakers of various specifications, digital amplifiers, etc.

    Company Profile

    Guangzhou Gedi Audio Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise that integrates research and development, production, and sales. It has Guangzhou Gedi Audio Equipment Factory and Hong Kong Gedi Electroacoustic Co., Ltd. Mainly engaged in high-quality "ACS" and "GODDE" professional audio brands. The products include linear array speakers suitable for various outdoor/indoor performances, long-range speakers, full frequency and ultra-low speakers of various specifications, digital amplifiers, etc.More

    Professional Sound Application Engineering Cases

    Engineering Cases

    +86.137 1088 0209
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