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    PV series active sound column

    Suitable for large-scale language sound reinforcement, music applications, small and medium-sized performances. Applications: banquet halls, multi-function halls, auditoriums, gymnasiums, bars, shopping malls, mobile performances, public places

    Product Characteristics

    PV-603 is composed of six 3-inch full-band horn units, which has the advantage of thick and outstanding medium frequency performance and high hardness wood box material.
    The PV-12C is equipped with a compact subwoofer system with a built-in amplifier module and a long-throw rubber-edged woofer. Compact and powerful low-frequency effect, flexible placement, convenient transportation; Meet the application requirements of larger audiences and larger areas.


    6 x 3-inch full-band speaker units imported from Italy;                                  
    Frequency response: 130Hz~20KHz;                                                
    Rated power: 150W, peak power: 600W;                                     
    Sensitivity: 95dB, Impedance: 12Ω, Maximum sound pressure level: 123dB,
    Radiation angle: 100°X 20°
    Wiring method: 2X Speakon connector
    Lifting accessories: into the wall frame
    Box size(HxWxD):124X545X152(mm);                                   
    Weight: 6.6KG.

    Page Content Update Time:2023-09-15 10:50:22

    The relevant information on the website is for reference only. All products are subject to physical inspection and are subject to change without prior notice.

    +86.137 1088 0209
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