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    Shenzhen Pinguan Concert

    Later, the classmate who always asked me to take exams and let him peek, how are you?
    Later, how are you with the girl who made me think I was just starting to fall in love?
    And later on, the wine that I accidentally knocked over on my first day of work spilled all over my body,
    But without blaming my bald boss, how are you?
    Over the years, I have unconsciously thought of you who have loved, hated, and passed by,
    Did everything go well afterwards?
    Actually, sometimes I also want to ask myself, later on, how was I?
    Days pass without stopping, suddenly looking back and missing
    All those who have loved, hated, hurt, missed, and brushed past

    That night, Pinnacle officially began singing with a song called "All for Love", followed by a fast song called "The Door Is Unlocked". The atmosphere immediately heated up, and the fans on stage waved fluorescent sticks to the beat, creating a spectacular scene

    With over ten years of performance experience, China Voice, together with British ACS Audio, brings a romantic and carnival concert to tens of thousands of fans
    The production team is very satisfied with the sound effects and on-site sound control of this concert, and highly praises the efforts and professional skills of the ACS sound performance team!

    1. LA2212 dual 12 inch line array audio
    2. LA2208 dual 8-inch line array audio
    3. LA218W dual 18 inch 2000W subwoofer
    4. LA118S dual 18 inch subwoofer
    5. LA15XT 15 inch stage coaxial monitoring audio system


    +86.137 1088 0209
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