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    Dongguan Chaoge Mass Selling KTV

    ACS helps Dongguan Chaoge mass-produced KTV, sparking a new concept of entertainment. Chaoge is a new mass seller, shining and blooming; The five stores have a unique geographical location and convenient transportation.
    Dongguan Chaoge New Volume Seller, with 36 ultra luxurious karaoke private rooms, is a top nightclub in the region, featuring ACS's AD series. The top-notch audio equipment and stunning sound quality are reflected in every detail, providing guests with an unprecedented ultimate experience!

    1. AD12 single 12 inch professional private room audio system
    2. AD10 single 10 inch professional private room audio system
    3. GD99 Wireless Inductive Microphone
    4. MA series high stability and safety amplifier


    +86.137 1088 0209
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